
Thursday, December 1, 2011

I finally got Scott's family to come for more than a day so I could get some pics of all the kids for a special Christmas project I am doing.  It was quite the challenge to get a good shot of 8 kids and let me tell you it was the older ones that would NOT smile, laugh, joke, or anything else.  I tried desperately to get some sort of expression and all I got was a scowl.  One is Autistic so I expected some resistance from him, but not the rest of his family.  Oh well at least I have a record of them. Funny side note. There were about 10 different groups with the same idea at the same time only they had professional photographers.

This one beats to his own drum

I love the big gap in his smile.  This is the Will I know
The first original expression out of this one. Who knew it was so hard to get anything but a scowl out of a preteen

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