
Monday, December 5, 2011

So I tried to help a friend out when she asked if I could take some pics of her family for a Christmas Card. Sadly her kids did not like the idea. It was cold and they wanted nothing to do with it. So out of 100 pics these were the best ones.  Sorry guys. Funny story.  This was the same place I did the other family photos only this day there were probably 20 different groups taking pictures.  It was crazy crowded.  While we were doing a few shots this kid about 9yrs old comes over and tells me there is a $15 fee for taking pictures by this building.  (Its a public building) I told him that the fee was only for professional photographers and I was obviously not one with my little point and shoot camera. (someday I will graduate to a nice camera but since I am NOT a photographer of any kind I will just have to be patient._
There was no way I was giving some random kid money.
We commenced our picture taking when a lady came up to inform
me that it was not just for professional photographers.  That the fee 
applied to everyone.  AND each building was $15.
 I almost said. "Well I was here the other day
 and no one charged me."  I think these people
 just saw a way to make a quick buck.  Needless to
say I did not pay and we just went walked over to
the tracks to finish the work. 

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