
Monday, December 12, 2011

Medieval themed kids party

I can't believe I have another kid ready to be baptized.  This time around I will have family there and that is huge for me.  For his party he requested a medieval theme.  I know I've done something similar before so I changed it up a bit.  I made bows and arrows for every guest. (this is their party favor to take home.) Some moms will be mad but oh well.  I made the bows out of 4' lengths of PVC, mason line, and electrical tape.  The arrows are dowels cut down to 16" with an eraser tip (to soften the blow if they choose to shoot at something other than a target) for the notch in the end I took my smallest drill bit and drilled as close to the end as I could then worked the drill bit out the side.  So much easier than  my last attempt. Each kid gets 2 arrows.  the cupcakes are targets.  As usual I don't spend more than $50 and this is for 12 guests. Food was Williams favorite junk food pizza, chips, and soda. Honestly I was okay with it because it was less work for me.

the dragon/monster to be killed
the princess needing saving
For games we started out with an archery contest. we had to try out the new bows. I was surprised how hard this skill was for some of the kids. After that we did a spear throw though a hoop.  Once training was over it was time to put our skills to the test.  We had to shoot at the target then kill the dragon (knock down the stuffed dragon with balls) then storm the castle and climb the tower to save the princess. (climb a ladder to save the doll)  then return the princess to her kingdom. (put the doll in the wagon and take her back to start).  This wasn't as chaotic as I thought it was going to be. and it was funny to see how different each kids skill was.  Some couldn't throw some were scared to climb and others had no fear at all.  After the course we went inside to warm up and eat some food.  Then it was jousting time.  I think this game ended up being the favorite.  I taped 2 paint cans together for the kids to balance on them used a cut-up noodle on either end of left over pvc.  The object was to knock off your opponent. I consider a party a success if the kids don't want to go home and they continue to talk about it, that being said, another successful party down and only 2 more to go for the rest of the year.. .

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