
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Zion Canyon Feb 2016

We were all a little sick of the cold so we headed down to St. George to spend some time in the sunshine.  We rented out this amazing house complete with plenty of rooms a theater room, a swimming pool and hot tub. pretty much all the bells and whistles. Actually we have rented this place before and liked it so much we wanted to do it again.  This was when we hiked into Zions national park and I have to say if you are going to hike here the late winter / early spring is a great time to do it.  The weather is just perfect enough to hike and there is absoutely no crowds.  Not to mention the beauty of it with the white snow, blue ice and red rocks.  It gave this place a whole other life then its summer life. As we hiked and saw all of these amazing formations and this super narrow walk way my mind went wild with all of these spiritual analogies we could use, however I tucked those away in my memory box for another day and just enjoyed the beautiful creation God has given us.  We truly do live in a beautiful place.  After a few hikes we drove down to a picnic area to have some lunch.  For me it was so healing to just sit in the sunshine and soak up those rays.  Sometimes I think I can never get enough,  especially after the cold gloomy winter.  Sometimes I wonder if I have a condition where I NEED the sun more than other people because it feels oh so good!

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