
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Carving Pumpkins with power tools 0ct 2015

As much as I hate the cold I do love the fall.  I love to do the pumpkin carving and now that my kids are getting older its not so much of a chore and more of another art hour.  This year Scott decided he was not messing around and he bought an attatchment that connects to your drill to hollow out the pumpkin.  
This reminded me of when my dad would carve pumpkins, he always used power tools.  Sometimes his turned out great and other, well it looked like a 3 year old carved the pumpkin.  
In any case carving pumpkins is always a fun activity.  I remember when Ellie was little she would gag every time she had to put her hand in her pumpkin to pull out the seeds. It was so funny to me how squishy things would make her gag.

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