
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Baby Animals April 2015

Its not officially spring unless we go to This is The Place Heritage Park and play with the baby animals.  There is really only 2 things we truly care about at this is the place heritage park.  One is Candlelight Christmas and the other is baby animals in the spring.  I think they could spend the whole day just holding the baby chicks and it would be a day well spent.  for me its the baby goats.  I think baby goats are the cutest baby animals of all the baby animals.  
                Every year we head up to This is the Place Heritage Park around spring time to go visit the baby animals.  We all Love this activity. I mean its baby animals who wouldn't love them. This is the first time that we took Scott with us.  He was just as much in love as the rest of us.  The only bad thing about visiting these cute little creatures is that we start dreaming of when we can have our own set of baby chicks (Brennen's favorite) Or the ever entertaining baby goats.  In my opinion THE cutest of all baby animals,  Yes I think they even trump the cuteness of a puppy.
There is something so magical about spring time, new color and life erupting from the dreariness of winter.  Everything comes with a fresh eye and a new smell.  We spent the majority of our time with the goats and chicks, although they do have cows, rabbits, donkey's, and ponies.  I feel a little bad that I tend to veer the children away from the ponies because I am allergic but I have learned that I can let them ride they just have to wash their hands thoroughly before touching me.
We really could spend all day playing with these guys but I do try to make sure the kids experience everything this cool place has to offer.
This was also Scott's first time here that wasn't just for Candlelight Christmas.  He had no idea there was so much to do here.   They didn't even have everything open because it was just the start of the season.  He is going to be quite surprised when he gets the full experience.  I love that its a little different every time we come.  
Maybe its because this place brings us back to simpler times, or maybe its because we are spending time together outside free to roam,or maybe in a little way it brings me back to my roots.  Whatever the reason I always feel good coming here with my family.  I love to take it at our own pace and just enjoy.  It may not be for everyone but as for me and my house we will come again. 

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