
Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Years Eve 2015

Well we hosted another New Years Eve party at our house.  I keep waiting for other people to throw one but one else wants to take on the challenge.  I guess they always assume I am going to throw one. While I typically don't mind doing it It IS a lot of work and it would be nice to just be invited and show up instead of putting it all together.
It gets harder and harder to come up with new ideas for parties especially when I have a budget and I have to same people over not to mention trying to fit it so even the littles have as much fun as the grown ups.  I did the count down boxes again this year  where each hour is another game we open to play with prizes.  Food is always involved and this is where I really rely on other people because so much work goes into the rest of the night.  Also people don't mind bringing food, it makes them feel like they contributed.
Our first game was the old school doughnut on a string.  I did the adults verses the kids.  It helps that my family can be quite competative because then they all get into it.  The winner of this game won a Tshirt that looks like Buddy's costume from the movie Elf.  Another trick I have it mix stupid prizes with great prizes so they never really know if they want to win or not, because it could be a stupid T shirt or it could be a great gift card.  This way everyone always wants to participate!  
one of the games for the little kids was I filled up balloons and tied a string onto each balloon, then the string got tied onto each kids leg.  The object  was to stomp on everyone else's balloon but not get your stomped one.  The person with the last remaining balloon wins.  
One of the funnest games I did was called "Anything you can do I can do better"  This one I let everyone in on ahead of time so if they needed to prepare they could.
 The first person would show their stupid human trick or talent and then we would see if anyone could do that talent better than the original. This brought on some funny stuff.  The talents were as simple as being able to read upside down words to lip syncing, to giving the creepiest smile.  My favorite was my little brother who claimed to be able to sing any song in any language.  In reality he just sang nonsense with an accent.  It was hilarious.  for each winner they did receive a prize the coveted prize was a pair of cat socks.  This game went on for so long that we just did it until it was near the time to count down.
This year Scott and I made a confetti cannon that we were excited to shoot off at the end of the night.  I was too cheap to buy confetti so I had Ellie cut up tons of paper just for this occasion.  I am a little ashamed to admit she spent a lot of time cutting up paper and I mean a lot of time.
Everyone thought we were crazy to shoot off the cannon in the house because we would get confetti all over but thats all part of the experience.  In the end we were still finding confetti months later...
We also had fireworks and bikes with fireworks tied onto them.  Celebrating in true Wright fashion!

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