
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Valentins Boxes Feb 2016

I was sicker than a dog this February.  Seriously I don't ever remember being this sick in my entire life.  I felt like I could never take a deep breath.  I even struggled to breath. My throat hurt actually my whole body hurt. I had a fever of 104 and that for me is huge because my normal everyday temperature is 97.1 Long story short I was super sick yet the world must go on.  Before I reached my sickest point I had to put together 2 valentines boxes and work a full shift at work for Valentines day.  It was hard but I was blessed to be able to do some of my best work.    Peter wanted an airplane which I just covered in foil super simple.  William just had to have a toilet that actually flushed.  This took a little engenerring on my part.  I finally came up with the idea of getting one of those greeting cards that you can record your voice.  I recorded the sound of flushing a toilet then attatched it to the lid of his toilet so everytime you lifted the lid to put in a valentine it flushed.  He was super stoked and I was happy he could have the envy of the entire grade with yes, a flushing toilet Valentine box.  The things you do for boys...
Immediately after I quarentined myself to my bed feeling even too weak to do anything other than sleep.  Poor Scott was pretty worried about me, I hage to admit I was a little worried too but when I finally got some antibiotics I started to feel not so close to dealths door .  thankgoodness for modern medicine.

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