
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Family Nativity 2015

Another year another Christmas Nativity.  My mom had Christmas Eve at her house starting with a dinner.  Not the super fancy Thanksgiving dinner but a simpler fair.  My brother always brings some yummy empanadas.  Scotts family came with us but didn't stay very long.  His mom has a hard time with crowds and felt embarrassed by Austin.  I truly wish she could see how my family accepts everyone and were not  offended or embarrassed by him in any way but there is only so much one can do. As always she put together a nice little program and the kids all dressed up to act out the parts.  This mixed in with some musical numbers rounded out the night.  It never fails to bring me that last bit of Christmas Spirit that I search for every year.  Sadly as I get older and let life get in the way it gets a little harder for me to keep that special spirit during the entire season.  I will always be grateful for my mother in bringing the spirit into my life.

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