
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Zoo-rific June 2014

As summer comes, so do summer activities.  This particular day we decided to check out our local zoo.  I haven't been here in over 10 years and a lot has changed.  We just happened to choose a day with perfect zoo weather.  Not too hot we including the animals were dying and not too cold we had to bundle up.  While their newest attraction was not quite open yet we still had a good time.  The elephants were as cute as can be and the boy loved the reptile house more than I care to admit.  But the thing I enjoyed the most was watching Brennen watch the bird show.  He. Was. LOVING it!  They would do something funny and he would bust up laughing.  The birds would then do something cool like fly over our heads and he would ooh and Aah.   I could have watched him all day, he makes my heart smile.  
this gorilla kept giving Scott the stink eye. 
As we were checking out the polar bear exhibit which has a huge glass wall that goes beyond the water line, William was mesmerized and inched his way forward until, BAM! He smacked his face on the glass wall.  It was so funny because his immediate reaction was to feel his tooth and ask, "Did I chip another tooth?" (He had recently chipped his front tooth halfway off and had to get a crown put on.) After we reassured him he was fine we were able to enjoy the rest of the animals.

Brennen's reaction to the bird show

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