
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Schools out May 2014

Well its that time of year again, The End of School.  I was so looking forward to this time.  I was done with nagging kids to get up, do their homework and the mess that follows all that school entails.  I was definitely ready for summers lazy days and lack of schedule.  My mom is an artist and with that artist mentality we rarely had a schedule.  I find myself following in that same category (artist type) I love the spontaneity of it all.  
At our school end of school means the schools dance festival.  It was very funny to notice the different reactions the member of my family had about it.  The kids were actually pretty excited,  Ellie even wanted to be checked out of school to come see it.  I told her I was not that nice of a mom.  Scott just happened to have that day off so I dragged him with me.  He was less than impressed with the "big deal" all the parents made it out to be. He couldn't get over how many parents were there just to "watch some silly dance".  I think it all has to do with his upbringing.  I think subconsciously he was jealous.  His parents were never very supportive in many things.  When he was graduating with his doctorate from  Dental School I called his mom to see if she would be willing to fly down to come see him graduate.  I was offering to pay for all her travel expenses.  She declined.  To this day it still makes me mad/sad, that she couldn't get herself to come see her only son graduate.  I will stop right there so I don't get further into it and incriminate myself.
Back to current day.  I was happy to be there.  I love my children and I love to dance, so for me this was a win win.  
William thought he was so cool.  His class did a beach boys number and he did it full out.  This was Brennen's second year and he was so cute to watch.  We situated ourselves right in front  of him to get the best view and as soon as he saw us he just smiled from ear to ear. So we check off another year of growth.  Lets just hope I can keep their minds and bodies entertained during the summer.

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