
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hiking falls with cousins June 2014

Summer has already been quite busy.  This day was no different.  We had a few things to do in the morning when my sister called to invite us on a little hike.  Little is the operative word, but it was a great started hike to get the kids in hiking mode for summer.  The reward at the end was a waterfall.  I myself have never been on this hike but it was perfect for little ones.  Ellie donned on Lucy's backpack to haul her cute self up the canyon.  The boys were typical boys, running ahead and checking out all the cool caves and anything that might be worth seeing.  Once we got to the falls there were these tiny little periwinkle butterflies everywhere.  They gave our destination such a magical feel, like we had stepped into a secret garden or something. The water was glacially cold but the boys decided to try it out.  Once their feet were sufficiently frozen they ventured farther into the waterfall cavern.  Peter was desperate to bring home a rock that he was sure was full of crystals.  The only problem was it was the size of his head and I refused to carry it.  He was determined and carried it about 5 feet before he realized he could live with out it.

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