
Monday, July 21, 2014

yuba with a paddle board July 2014

Summer means lake and that makes me a happy person.  I do love the lake, have I mentioned that before? This post actually consists of 2 separate days at the lake.  Our first time was just our little family.  We invited others but they apparently had better things to do.  It didn't matter we had a great time all by ourselves.  We played a little football, rode the wave runners, tried out the paddle board, drove the wave runners, played in the sand, rode the wave runners, you get the idea.  The weather worked out perfectly for us and the water was even warm enough to get in.  
The second trip to the lake we had others come with is this time.  It was also nice but a little windy here and there.  This often happens at the lake but it wasn't windy enough for us to cut our day short.  The new paddle board was a hit with everyone even my sisters dog had fun.  However I think my Jenni loved it the most.  She took to it like a fish to water, we couldn't get her off of it.  
My own children are getting braver and with the help of cousin William tried knee boarding.  This proved to be a little difficult because we didn't have the proper kind of rope, but at least he tried.  Next time we will be better prepared.  When I was little we went boating often and my dad had us water skiing at a fairly young age.  I am having a hard time trying to not be overbearing in getting them to try this sport.  They are afraid and my Sweetie never learned so he doesn't understand why I want them to learn so badly.  I guess this is just one of those things where I am going to have to be patient.  Sometimes I hate being patient. 

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