
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Air Show July 2014

This week has been turning out to be one very patriotic week.  Scott was dead set on going to the air show to see the Thunderbirds in action.  I was not against it so we loaded the car with all 9 of us complete with some drinks and snacks for the road.  Scott's sister and her kids came with us.  Last time we tried to see the air show it got rained out and when I say rained out I mean buckets and buckets of water were falling from the sky making it not only miserable for the spectators but very dangerous for the pilots.  THIS time around the weather cooperated perfectly.  Once we finally found and parking spot and walked about 3 miles we got to experience all the cool aircraft.  Of course we checked out the enormous cargo plane, which you can't even grasp its size until you are inside.  Then we checked out the smaller planes not quite as large but equally impressive.  The boys got to climb on the tanks as well as other large vehicles to which I don't know the names of but they looked cool.  They were all uber excited to hold the guns.  This outing was like a little boys dream come true.  Once we checked out all the hands on stuff it was time for the Thunder Birds to take flight and amaze us all, and amaze they did.  Being up close and personal we could feel the shock wave from the planes as they zoomed past us in unimaginable formations. We were so stunned at all the close calls, we would forget to cover our ears for the inevitable break of the sound barrier. Planes from all directions were shooting skyward and dropping into death falls then crossing each other just feet apart.  It really was quite an adrenaline rush and we were just the spectators.

With all this amazing stuff going on my favorite moment is when I looked over and saw ALL my boys completely riveted to the display in the sky. Scott was smiling from ear to ear.  It was like Christmas for him (I had no idea he loved planes this much) William was equally engrossed and had a million questions about each plane and stunt.  Brennen was just awed, while Peter didn't even blink for a full five minutes. So I will say it again, this outing was every boys dream come true.

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