
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Scottish festival at Thanksgiving point July 2014

Having some Scottish heritage on Scott's side we love a good Scottish festival.  I myself am a sucker for bagpipes.  To tell the truth I really like most cultural events and things.  I think its exciting and wonderful to learn and experience other people and places.  It adds color to my world and I love color.
This festival was at Thanksgiving point, it did not disappoint.  They had the highland games going on.  They even had a minurature  version of the caber toss for us to try out.  Brennen and Ellie were my best caber tossers (no surprise there).  They are both pretty strong.  It was a little funny to watch this one little boy around Brennen's size struggle to just lift the log and then see my Brenny easily hoist and toss it.  Ellie had the same result while showing up some teenage boys.  I must admit I was a little proud.
The dancers were sweet and the musicians we magical. Scott drooled over a sword and William spent his hard earned money on a knife.  I will say the pipers are my favorite, I even toyed with the idea of learning the chanter.  For those of you who don't know that is the type of flute you start on to learn the bag pipes. However I haven't even learned my French horn yet,  1 instrument at a time.

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