A little part of me died this morning when I realized my baby is not a baby anymore. I can't believe Peter is 3. Three is no longer a baby its a full fledged toddler. Now that he's potty trained (and doing awesome at it!!) and talking like his sister (he has a good vocabulary) and doing all kinds of things by himself I have to face the facts. My sweet Peter Pie is growing up. By the way if you ask him what his name is, he will say Peter Pie. He shares a birthday with his adorably cousin Roxy. Its like they came down from heaven together because they were almost born at the same time. He also shares a birthday with my wonderful sister Stephanie, she was so kind to share her birthday with these two munchkins.

I remember a time when I was not happy with the impending arrival of this little guy. I was worried, stressed, tired, stressed, not enjoying my children, stressed. You get the idea, I was dealing with a certain child that just took so much extra work I was totally burned out by the time we found out there was going to be another one. I remember saying in my prayers to give me strength and love for this next child. Now I can say I could never live my life without him. He's so rewarding. He's my best buddy. He is such a sweet person. He lets me cuddle him whenever I want, he's loyal to his siblings, he is just so genuinely good. Not to mention how smart he is. He already knows all his letters and the sounds they make. He can even write some of them. He's got most of his colors down and now we are working on numbers. This kid is like his daddy he loves to learn. His favorite things are anything Toy Story, Tangled, tools, his fingers, his daddy, and of course his woobie. (I don't have the heart to make him get rid of it yet even though its a year overdue.)

For his birthday this year all he asked for was a Buzz Lightyear rocket ship and a chainsaw. He has mentioned this REPEATEDLY for over a month. One thing I love about this kid is that he knows what he wants, and he usually never waivers.
When I asked Peter what kind of cake he wanted he said, "the kind you sing happy birthday and then blow it out." I can do that.
So here's to our sweet Peter Pie. We love you so much.
What I would do with out you I would never know.
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