
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the big C

We just found out that my dad has cancer.  It all started with a fall at work, he hurt his leg and it just wasn't getting any better, he thought maybe he had and internal bruise or maybe a hairline fracture.  With lots of scans and doctors they determined he has Chondrosarcoma.  This is a caner that starts in the cartilage and works its way into the bone and then into the muscle.  His is located in his right hip. There is not a lot they can do with this kind of cancer.  We are told his options are
 1. operation to cut out the bone-  This is actually not an option for him because of his age and heart health.  It's a 6 hour surgery and they would most likely lose him on the table so that's out.
2. Radiation-  this would only shrink the tumor 10% but would not fix anything.  At best it will help with pain management.
3. Chemo- does not work on this type of cancer and would only make his quality of life worse.  So never mind its not even an option.
His Chondrosarcoma is a stage 2.  1 being the least and 3 being the most severe.
Basically it all boils down to managing pain and giving him an approximate expiration date.  They give him 2-4 years. They believe this tumor has been growing for about 10 years, so that limp he has had for the last 10 years was not just him getting old, not from years of manual labor, and not his gout acting up, it was this cancer.
I remember when I got news of his first heart attack.  We were on our way to visit them for a summer vacation when I got the call.  There is something shocking when you find out the man who you knew could DO anything, FIX everything, leap over small buildings in a single bound is actually a mortal.  It was such an eye opener for me and I was really surprised at my reaction to the news.  This time around I felt like I was a little more prepared, just a little mind you.  I started to contemplate how I felt about this news, denial of course was my first thought then I took a more logical approach.
Now I am at the point of gratitude.  I am grateful that I have had so much time with him.  Grateful that he has been such a good teacher and father. Grateful that we were able to move closer to him so my children could know him better.  Grateful that I am here to help in anyway possible. And most grateful that I have an understanding of the atonement and after life.
Now I am not writing him off just yet.  There is plenty of time for my littlest one to really get to know his grandpa. So here's praying for the 4 or more years will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dad. I really hate cancer. It has taken far too many people early from this life. I will be praying for lots of memory filled years for all of you.



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