
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The kids really wanted to build a fire in the backyard today.  They cleaned out the fire pit and stacked a bunch of sticks in it then came to ask us if we could build a fire.  I looked at Scott and said "that's your territory."  Now I know how to build a fire.  I have built thousands of fires.  Growing up we had a real wood burning fireplace that was our main source of heat for the winter.  Whoever was the first person awake had the responsibility of making the fire.  Same goes to the first person who came home on a cold day, needless to say my fire making skills are excellent!  However when it comes to our kids I feel like Scott should be the one to supervise and teach all fire making skills.
He went out there a little begrudgingly at first, then thought what a great learning opportunity, plus a great way to clean up all those branches that fall off our willow tree.  I came out after everything was started and moving along.  Peter would pick up a tiny stick and ask if he could throw it in the fire.  "Yes Peter, that's okay to put in."  He would pick up another tiny stick and ask the same question.  This went on over and over again.  I thought about getting annoyed and then realized it was a good thing he was asking about everything he wanted to put in the fire, it would keep him safe.
After all the lawn was cleaned up of debris we asked the kids about ways they can put out a fire.  Water of course was the first answer, then there was a pause, a long pause.  So we gave them some suggestions.  The one they thought was the funniest was what my brothers call the "boy scout fire extinguisher."  Pee on it.  Of course as soon as I said the word pee they all lost it.  What is it with boys and potty words?  After they calmed down a little I ask matter-of-factly "Well do you want to try it out?  William pee on the fire."  Enough said, it was like I told them they just won the lottery.  Brennen didn't even hesitate.  He was not going to take any chances of me backing out.  I asked our newest potty trainer if he wanted to pee on the fire.  A resounding YES followed by a fit of giggles came from the little rascal.  When I helped him with his pants he was laughing SO hard he almost couldn't breathe.  Who knew peeing on a fire was so funny?

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