We had our first attempt at the Pinewood Derby. When we first received the block it just sat there for a long time. I was waiting for Scott to start it and apparently he was waiting for me to, so it sat.days before it was due I pulled it out and talked to Scott about it. He really wanted nothing to do with it, apparently he had a bad experience with his pinewood derby. Both he and his dad had no experience with wood working and his poor car didn't even finish the race. So it was left to me. I had no experience with the pinewood derby. I've never seen a track, but I do have some experience with wood so William and I began the work on the car. Can I just say how frustrated I was to do something that I didn't have the proper tools for and knew what tools would make the job SO much easier. Luckily I borrowed a belt sander from my brother. The sad thing was that if I had not procrastinated I could have gotten help from one of my many capable family members. Lesson learned.

So we got it to look cool but to actually go fast was another story. I was having trouble with the wheels, to get them just right. Then we added some weight to get it to the 5oz limit because apparently heavier is faster. We taped a washer onto the bottom. (I think this was the downfall of the little car.) I was so worried that I was going to repeat Scott's experience. Which was almost the case. His little car did finish the race but came in fourth every time. My heart broke. I let my son down. I pulled him aside and let him know that this was all my fault! That I was so sorry. That next year we would do so much better, because I will be sure to get some help.
When they handed out the awards for appearance you would have thought he won the whole race. He was so happy, Ellie and Brennen cheered so loud you would have thought he won the grand prix.
My sweet Will the eternal optomist. He asked if we could make his next car look the same to fool all the kids. What could have been a tragedy turned out to be an okay night all because of Williams attitude. I am so grateful for this kid and his positive outlook on life. I'm proud to be called his mother.
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