Well I did it. I potty trained my last kid. Let me tell you it was soooooo much easier than the last time I did this. I decided I needed to potty train Peter before he turned 3 so with his birthday a week and a half away, I bit the bullet and just did it. I was hesitant. Very hesitant, I was so traumatized by the last kid that I just kept dragging my feet. I had nothing planned out, no miraculous tricks, I didn't have the energy for it. I just put the boy in underwear, talked about it, and set my timer for every 15 minutes. Basically I went into this thing half heartedly. I did give him a gummy for every successful trip tot the potty. Brennen saw this and wanted in on the action. He would go to the potty and said, "Hey I peed, where's my gummy?" I had to explain that it doesn't work that way for him anymore, but if he wanted to do an extra chore I would be happy to give him a gummy. This seemed to be fine with him as long as he got a gummy too.
2 hours later and Peter was still dry with 4 successful trips to the potty I thought 'hey, this one might not be so bad." He didn't fight me, he didn't have any accidents out of spite (A couple of my others did just so they could control the situation.) This last one was such a dream. So we made it through the whole first day with only 3 accidents and 2 of them were my fault. Day 2 came and I had to make a decision, do I keep this up or am I too busy to deal with this today? I decided to go with it. Success again!! This time only 2 accidents for the whole day. Day 3 he had to be babysat so Scott and I could go to our Tax appointment. I was a little worried to pass the buck onto my sister who was watching 2 of my kids plus her 3 little ones. Turns out I had nothing to worry about this little guy is a pro. With all newly trained potty goers there are some cleanups to be expected, but I am hopeful. I was so proud of Peter that I let him have his potty training reward a little early. He couldn't have been happier with his new weed whacker. If only they could all be this easy.
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