
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kids descriptives

I love the way that kids minds work.  Sometimes they are very logical.  Most of the time they say things relative to what they know making for some interesting conversations.  For example,  William mentioned that after a large snow fall, the snow looked like Dutch Babies. (sometimes known as German pancakes) what a creative way to look at things.
Today at lunch I was talking to Brennen about preschool.  He was telling me that he met his friends dad.  Then he went on to describe him, "he has hair in the back that looks like a slide". . . I let my brain work on that for a minute.  What would hair that looks like a slide look like?  I finally deduced that he has a little longer hair that curls up in the back.  THAT would look like a slide I guess.  He went on. . ."his hair on the top is a little cool like mine but not as cool as mine."  
What does that mean to a 4 year-old?  I think it meant that he had some curly hair on top but not as much as Brennen's. The conversation went on but I could only follow some of it because he was so distracted his subject matter would change from one thing to another without notice, but the conversation as a whole was really quite interesting. I find myself marveling at the way a child's brain works. If only all life was that simple.

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