
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Geek of the Week

My kids think pancake is the funniest word.  I don't know how it started but every time they do something they think is funny or goofy they say "pancake pancake".  For instance we would play a game on the trampoline called add on.  One person does a trick the next person does that trick and their own trick, the next person does the first trick the second and then their own.  You get the idea.  Brennen's default trick was hop like a kangaroo and shout out pancake pancake.
Now that Peter is a big kid getting himself dressed he accidentally put both his legs in one pant leg.  He thought it was hilarious and started the pancake cheer.  Now it seems every other night he puts two legs in one leg hole and hops in the living room with the infamous "pancake, pancake, pancake."  What a geek.

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