We were excited to have our first Easter with the family. I was a little bummed that we weren't going to do a splash and dash egg hunt but I got over it. This year my sister Stephanie decided to host the big event. I was terribly worried because on Friday I woke up to snow on the ground and then mid afternoon it was snowing, SNOWING. I thought there was no way this was going to work. My family is quite large 18adults and 22 grandchildren, and having an egg hunt in my sisters house seemed a little out of the question. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up on Saturday to beautiful sunshine. It got up to the mid to upper sixties. I guess that's Utah for you. Don't like the weather wait 5 min to a day, it will change.
Back to the celebration. We invited our friends the Smith's to come because in my house the more the merrier. I was amazed that everyone showed up. There is usually a couple of people missing but not this day. We started with the egg hunt. With so many people each age group got a different colored egg they were to search for. Even the adults were able to get in on the action. To avoid an overload of sugar a lot of the eggs contained "bunny money" at the end of the hunt you could go to the bunny store (a prize table) and buy a prize with the money you found. To make up the bunny store some of us brought things from the dollar store, toys that we no longer played with, or special treasures we found at DI. (My sisters, mom, and I are excellent DI shoppers). The kids loved it. Then it was time to color eggs, my favorite Easter activity. M Y sister boiled 9 dozen eggs so everyone can join in. She had all different ways to color the eggs as well. After egg coloring there was lunch everyone brought a dish to share it was all very yummy. Last scheduled activity was a pinata, it was near impossible getting a pinata to last through 22 grandchildren but everyone had a great time. There was plenty of chatting and playing during the whole event. I love getting together with my family. I love they we all get along well. I'm positive you could put all of us in a room made to hold 12 people and we could be happy sitting close and talking about what ever was on our minds. So Easter was a success. Thanks Steph you did a great job. Thanks to everyone who helped pull this all together. This beat a splash and dash egg hunt (just barely)
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