
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

E- control

We have a constant fight in our house about electronics.  The kids always want to use them, I think it turns them into zombies, and my wonderful hubby grew up with it as his babysitter.  I often feel like I am trying to push water up a hill.  I'm not totally against electronics, I use them often myself.  I just don't want them in use all the time without everyone hating me for it.
 In the basement we have a BOB timer. the greatest invention ever. Basically the kids have to type their code in to turn on the TV or Wii.  I program it so they only have X amount of time then it just shuts off.  I also have it programmed to not turn on in the mornings, past 9pm, or on Sundays.  I love it.  Now I just need one  for the upstairs but its a little pricey for me ($75)  So until I can convince Scott to let me spend that much on the upstairs I have developed my own system.

I want no TV or computer on in the morning, AND all their homework and chores need to be done BEFORE they turn on the idiot boxes (my pet name for the TV and computer).  This rule tends to stay enforced as long as I am in the room, however as soon as I leave the room all bets are off and they take advantage of the situation. I realized they need a visual reminder, I came up with this.
I was amazed at the results.  Who new it could be so easy. We'll just see how long it lasts.

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