
Saturday, April 21, 2012


My baby sister had her first art gallery showing this weekend.  She really is an amazing artist as well as beautiful.  I think she looks like a young Anne Hathaway.  Her specialty is print making but this show was for her drawing class.  We invited our friends the Smiths to go uptown with us to support her and then check out the new City Creek shopping center.  Some of the works I really admired.  I was impressed with her work because I can't draw people to save my life.  I knew which ones were hers the moment I saw them because her subjects were very familiar.  One was my William at the the age of 5, another of my dad, and the third was an old man to show the life stages.  The old man was my favorite, such good textures.  Good job Laura!

After the show we headed over to the new City Creek to see what all the fuss was about. I have to admit it was a pretty swanky shopping center.  It has a retractable roof so in inclement weather people will not me dissuaded from shopping.  This was a concept that our good friend Tiffany had a hard time understanding, that is until she saw parts of the roof.  Apparently she is a visual learner.  Thanks for a good laugh Tiffulls, we still love ya.

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