
Sunday, April 8, 2012


It has been a very busy week for me.  My sister went out of town so I offered to watch her 3 kids.  They were all good as long as I kept them busy and fed.  We had a game night with our friends the Smiths and the Ramirez, AND Scott's family came.  Talk about a house full of people.  On Saturday after our Easter celebration I was a little worn out but I wanted to do something with just the grownups. I thought ComedySportz. I have been wanting to go to this comedy club for some time now.  With Scott's family here I suggested that we go.  His mom declined but his sister was all for it.  I extended the invite to my mom and who ever else wanted to go.  In the end we had My mom, dad, sister Laura her hubby Bryce, my sister Kate, Scott's sister, Scott and myself. It is an improv comedy club with special standards to keep it clean.  It was HILARIOUS.  I loved that they could be so funny while keeping it all appropriate.  I am definitely going back.

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