
Sunday, April 15, 2012


Classic Skating that is.  For the kids last day of spring break we decided to take them to Classic Skating to try out their new skates on a real rink. This place brings back memories. . . They got rid of the Riff Raff and have made it really family friendly. There is a full size rink and then a separate area with bounces houses and slides, a ball blast zone, laser tag, and a smaller oval around all the bouncers. They also have the traditional arcade games.  This is the place to go to wear kids out.  The great thing about this place is that you can ride scooters, trikes, or push your kid in a stroller around the rink so those that just can't do the skate thing can still have fun.  Brennen brought his little razor scooter and zipped around that track so fast I thought I was going to see flames coming off him. Peter brought his little motorcycle and did his best to keep up with Brennen. Then it was hours of climbing through the monkey maze and spending calories on all the bouncers.  The kids had a great time so I didn't feel so bad when Scott and I went off to a movie later that night. (I don't know why but I always feel guilty about doing things without the kids, I have really got to get over that.)
After the movie we realized we didn't eat dinner so we stopped by Cafe' Rio (the best restaurant ever!!!) to pick up a little something.  While we were there we ran into my parents and joined them for a nice little chit chat  and some good food.  

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