
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

William Skyridge Football Aug 2016

William started football this year.  He was pretty excited to try this new sport.  I found it hard for me to watch.  Not because my kid gets hurt but because I am super compatative and these kids are not.  They are all new to the sport and have no idea what they are doing but it can be frustrating for us on the side lines.He played both offensive and defensive.  It was interesting to see the varying sizes of all the players because 7th graded grow at such different paces.  Some kids were basically full grown men where others like my William were not even 5 feet tall yet.  One kid came off the field crying and saying he was sick of getting hit.  My first thought was "dude you picked the wrong sport football is all about getting hit."  what came out of my mouth was, "If you don't want to get hit than you need to run faster!"  He wasn't very happy with me but sometimes I must admit these kids are a bunch of wusses. Don't worry out of all the games that was my only slip of the tongue.  Fight on Falcons

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