
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

California Vacation Beach Aug 2016

On our last day of our trip to California we just had to head to the beach.  Oh how I miss the beach.  We pretty much had it to ourselves because it was a little too cold for the natives.  The kids played in the waves while I played in the sand.  It was a little too cold for me to get in the water. We dug for sand crabs finding some pretty large ones.  When we were done we cleaned up and found a place for dinner.  We were sitting at Island Burger waiting for our food when Ellie leaned over to color and all of the sudden water just started streaming out of her nose.  I'm not talking about a little drip, it was more like a faucet.  I looked at her strangley and asked, "Are you ok?" She was fine.  It was just some ocean water caught in her sinuses and finally found its way out.  All through dinner she had to hold a napkin to her nose to wipe up the water.  I've never seen that before.  We jokingly told her she really was a mermaid.

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