
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Baby Shelby comes home April 2016

We got a new member of the family.  This sweet girl is Shelby our springer spaniel. The kids have begged for a dog for years.  Once we got in our new house we considered the idea.  I must admit I as not 100% on board because lets be real here.  I'm the one who has to train it, feed it, walk it, and just plain take care of it.  I made them do their research.  We tried shelters and rescue centers for 3 months with out finding a good fit for our family.  I caved one day when they asked to go to Puppy Barn (a store that sells puppy's) We talked a lot about what it would take to care for a dog before we even entered the store.  We had some idea of what kind of breed would be a good fit for us along with a budget of what we felt comfortable spending on said animal.  There were a lot of really cute great dogs at Puppy Barn.  We can across this litter and tried them out in the meeting area.  We were all pretty smitten but I was firm and told them we needed to check the shelter one more time.  We did but still didn't find a dog for us. So we went out to lunch to talk things over and do more research on this breed.  After lunch we went back over to Puppy Barn to play with the pups again.  We took the whole litter into the meeting area so I could see which dog was the most submissive because I know that's the easiest one to train. That's where we decided on Shelby.  She was perfect.  sweet, not overly hyper, kind and cuddly.
We told Scott it was his Father's Day present, and while he would never admit it, He is the most smitten of all.

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