
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Halloween Oct 2016

This year for Halloween William decided to make his own costume.  He made an R2D2 costume all by himself. It was a little awkward to maneuver in so he was a tourist at school. He even had a little speaker that played R2D2 sounds.  It was pretty cool.Brennen was Newt Scamander from fantastic beasts, Peter was a minion, Scott was Obi wan Kenobi, Ellie was a girl version of Captain America and Shelby was the headless horseman's horse.  It was pretty funny.  Halloween is one of  my favorite holiday and one of scott's least favorite holidays but he does it because I like it. IN our neighborhood we wheel out the grill and hand out hotdogs to everyone that comes by.  We are complete with fog machine and fire pit.  

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