
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Shelby Dropping the Kids off at School Sept 2016

The kids 1st day back at school and Shelby's first day leaving them.  Shelby LOVES a car ride so she was happy to come with me to drop the kids off.  However when I came back home she refused to get out of the car.  It was like she was telling me we couldn't get out because we left the kids.  She was so somber the entire day.  When it was time to pick them up she was more than willing to keep a watch for them.  Its really cute because she checked every kids face that comes near and then kind of shakes her head saying "nope, that's not mine"  When she does spot one of here kids her eyes are laser focused and her tail wags fast enough to be a fan.
One day I was at home working on a project when Shelby tried to get my attention.  She is talking in her own way (its not barking more of a grumble moan thing) I was ignoring her and she did it again heading to the garage door.  after 3 attempts to get my attention I finally looked up from my project and asked
"What is it girl?" Then I looked at the clock and said, "Oh it's time to go get the boys" She was so excited and kind of bounced on her front paws with a nod that said "That's what I've been trying to tell you!" I can't believe she knew the exact time to go get her kids.  She is such a good dog.

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