
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

BYU Football Oct 2016

Go Cougs. We took William to a BYU football game this year because now that he is in football we thought he would appreciate it more.  Its always fun to go to a game and feel the energy of the crowd. They didn't win this game and it was a little cold .

Lake Fun July 2016

This year all the kids tried out the Zup board.  It's called a Zup board because "everyone gets up" You can use it as a boogie board and just let the boat pull you while you are on your belly or you can let it pull you on your knees.  For the next step you can take the rope off the hook and use it as a knee board and if your ready for it stand up and use it as a ski/wakeboard/surfboard. The kids did pretty good.  I was happy that they wanted to try, that's the first step.  I just have to say it.  I LOVE THE LAKE.  If I had my dream I would have a lake house where I can enter the water at any time.

Ellie's Plays 2016-18 (Dam Yankees, Beauty and the Beast)

Ellie has been way into her drama during her time in high school.
Her 1st big play was Beauty and the Beast.  She was

Beauty and the Beast


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