
Friday, June 21, 2013

Zadrozny Crew

This is my sister-in-law with her kids.  They come to visit often.  This time they asked if I would take their pictures.  Now I am by no means a photographer.  All I have is a little indestructable point and shoot camera.  But I agreed to help them out.
Now this family is SO STIFF.  As soon as I pulled out the camera they would clam up.  I couldn't get around it.  So I had them play around and tried to joke with them or talk with them sneaking in some shots here and there. I was dancing around extra silly trying to get some animation out of them. Really I was getting nothing from them.  So I brought out my secret weapon, William.
 I had him dance around and act super goofy to get them to smile.  He even went as far a mooning them to get the shot for me.  What a trooper.   So after an hour or so I eventually got a few that were good enough.  It was a lot of work but I did the best I could with what I had to work with.

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