
Friday, June 21, 2013

Swimmers itch

Lizzy guzzling it down
Our second lake trip for the summer was down in Sand Hollow.  This lake is usually a great little lake.  However on this trip half our party woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I was hoping some time on the water would get them out of their funk but no, it was not to be.  Needless to say it was partially doomed to begin with.  The kids had a great time. . . . at the beginning.  that is until the swimmers itch started digging into their skin.  
William was one our biggest complainers
Brennen who is usually good got the complaining bug from William (he did  get the itch)
Chris got swimmers itch ALL over
Swimmers itch is a little parasite that gets on your skin through the contact in the water then when the water dries it tries to burrow into your skin but dies as soon as the water dries.  It leaves what looks and acts like chicken pox.  the itching can last up to a week but usually stops after a day or so.  We tried to ignore those in "agony" and play a round of Swedish baseball or take a few turns on the ski's. On group went over to the rocks to do some cliff jumping while the other held down the fort.  then the bees came out.  They smelled our food and decided to join us.  This was the last straw for some people.  Jared and William are both allergic to bee's so they were more than done.  We sent a group of the complainers back to the house and actually enjoyed the last part of the day in relative peace.  I myself had a hard time enjoying this lake trip with so many grouch-catiers bringing me down.  I took off on one of the wave runners to find that sense of freedom. I found it for a brief time until I had to return to shore.  I know I have said before its hard to have a bad day at the lake but I think this time I was proved wrong.  Maybe if I didn't worry about other people (mainly my hubby) I would have had a better time.  I really hate it when people ruin their own vacations with their bad attitudes.  Life should be fun and enjoyed, all it takes is a good attitude.  
baby Maria
Kate and Maria
So we packed it up earlier than we normally would and headed back to the St. George house for a little R&R   After the lake disaster we made it to the house and found my mom had made it down.  
good ol' Hyrum
Scott being brave
It's amazing how she is the glue that holds us together and brings the life back in us.  What would I do without her? 
Steph and Matt

TK trying to kiss a bug he caught

Sarah and Wyatt


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