
Friday, June 28, 2013

summer activites

I have a love hate relationship with summer.  I love the sun and playing with my kids.  But I hate that I can't keep my house clean and sometimes the kids get on my nerves when we have spent too much time together.  One of our summer days I decided we were going to do all our errands via bicycle.  Brennen is still a  little new at riding a 2 wheeler in the street so we both were a little nervous about that.  I happened to pick a very hot day to do this and we didn't get started until noonish. The boys did pretty good, no complaining and they kept up okay.  Brennen was understandably slower at some parts but we made it.  We only got 3 errands done and went to lunch and it took up 3 hours but it was something to do and the boys were all tuckered out my the end of the day.  Even Peter went to bed that night at 6pm.  If it ever cools down a little we will do this again.

We have gone swimming multiple times at the Lehi Legacy Center because we have passes so it doesn't cost us any extra money.  Sometimes we meet cousins there and that makes it all the more fun.  This one particular time a boy was annoyingly flirting with Ellie and just wouldn't leave her alone.  Shane whom is usually her nemesis stepped right in to defend her honor  He wanted her to point this kid out to him so he could beat him up.  I told him that was not necessary but he could tell him to back off.  He did a little more than that, but I was so pleased that when it came time he had her back.  Now I just worry about Jenni's future admirers.

Summertime also means carnival time and for me that means face painting.  My mom's ward was having an auction and they were having carnival type activities.  She came over so I could teach her face painting.  It's funny that she is actually the one who first taught me to face paint when I was 9 or 10 and now that face painting has evolved we have come full circle.  She didn't need much help she is already and amazing artist.  We rounded up kids to practice on.  As it turned out my sister Stephanie and I did the actual painting at the party because my mom needed to work the cotton candy machine.

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