
Tuesday, June 11, 2013


We kicked off the summer in style by heading to the lake. For memorial day we remembered my dad by doing something he taught us to love.  We went to one of our favorites (Yuba Lake) to spend a nice relaxing day in the sun.  I was very surprised it wasn't crowded at all. I actually had a bad dream the night before that   it was full and we had to go home.  When we got there, the beaches were empty.  Our favorite is the North beach.  Its so sandy and nice, not to mention the closest.  We used this day for a test run after storing the wave runners all summer.  I am proud to say they preformed wonderfully. I guess that means I winterized them properly.  "It's Amazing these things I know" (that phrase was a running joke this trip.)
Peter was complaining that he couldn't get the sand off his hands so I handed him baby powder.  This is a must near sand, just dust some on then brush it off voila nice sand free skin.  Peter was so impressed my trick worked to which I replied "Its amazing these things I know."  Then throughout the day I had many more opportunities to share my knowledge and the things I know:) 
The day was absolutely perfect.  Usually at Yuba you get some crazy wind.  This time it was perfect.  The temperature was nice the water was calm and the company equally good.  The water was cold but that was to be expected from the extra cold winter and spring we have had.

these two kept arguing who could be in the front.  You can see who won that argument

Paul getting up on his first try with a wakeboard.  Go Paul

silly Wyatt

Paul trying the captain kids.  He got up no problem

paul and TK enjoying a boat ride

Kate showing us all up because we thought it was too cold

We kic

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