
Sunday, April 27, 2014

A year with out dad April 2014

Well I can officially say it has been a rough year with out my dad.  He was our rock, whenever life seemed to be overwhelming he would come up with something to make it more bearable or be their to put things into perspective.  As we went through all these firsts without him I find myself thinking about what would be different if he were here.  
I believe that Time is a healer of all wounds.  As the anniversary of his death was coming up I would find myself weepy at times.  I am not much of a cry-er but sometimes I think that one must mourn to begin the healing process.  
I was worried about how we were all going to handle this moment.  My mom asked that we wait until Sunday to do the big family thing.  (For his actual death date we went to the Blue Man group).  On Sunday my mom had a Chinese lantern which we all wrote little notes to Grandpa on.  We walked down to the park to release it up to heaven.  The weather started to get soggy but the lantern took flight.  I loved to watch the grandchildren shout their greetings to grandpa and watching with awe, certain the lantern would make it to their beloved grandpa.  At that moment I felt like we were all okay.  Yes it was sad but we have the knowledge of the Atonement, life after death and the gospel in general.  I feel at peace when I think about my dad. I know I will see him again and that he is watching over us.  Sometimes I joke when things aren't quite going the way I need them too and ask Heavenly Father if maybe he could put my dad on the task of helping me out.  We love you and miss you dad but I know that you had work to do on the other side.  I am proud of you.

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