
Monday, April 14, 2014

shoot out

For Scott's actual birthday he had the day off from work and I surprised him with a trip to the shooting range.  He got to have his choice of guns and as many as he wanted.  He was over the moon.  I think it was a good stress reliever.  The bonus was this older gentleman next to us.  He had a couple of WWII rifles that he let Scott shoot.  He let him know the history and Scott asked all his questions.  If you know Scott you know he loves history and for that guy to just happen to be there, in the middle of the day on the day we chose to go.... I couldn't have planned it better.  We had a few rounds and I realize I am not very good with a hand gun.  I am much more adept with a rifle but I guess that means I just have to practice more. When we were done shooting we stepped out to drool over all the guns.  I know he would really like one but we cant justify the cost of the one he wants right now.  As I looked at all the guns I knew immediately the one we SHOULD get.  It turns out I have very expensive taste surprise, surprise. As I asked to pull a certain gun out I was greatly admired by the staff in my choice.  Sadly it was not to be.  Leave it up to me to pick the Rolls Royce of Sig's

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