
Monday, April 14, 2014

junk Bingo

This year had a lot of things going on at the same time. We had Scott's birthday, the Super Bowl, the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and Valentines day. All within a week of each other. So to minimize the craziness I did host the Super Bowl party.  One thing we did to keep those of us not really interested in the game was Junk Bingo. My mom found a great bingo set guessed it, DI.  Oh how we love a good find at DI.
  My family loves Junk Bingo.  The idea is everyone brings something for a prize item "the junk"  usually its wrapped up but that is not necessary.  The bingo markers are always some sort of candy and its easy enough for the little ones to play.  This night was no different.  There was definitely some coveted prizes and anyone can have as many cards as they can keep track of.  Its a simple way to have fun as a family 

the prizes

Shane trying to cash in

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