
Friday, April 18, 2014

Bike ride to Bridal Veil falls

at the start
For one of our spring break days I wanted to take the kids on a bike ride up to Bridal Veil Falls.  A bike ride with this group takes a lot a preparation.  I made sure all the bikes were tuned up the day before.  I packed a picnic lunch with plenty of water and some sunscreen.  
Ellie had another offer so I told William he could invite a friend.  That took quite some time but eventually we got everyone and their bike loaded in the car.  I brought the bike trailer because I knew Peter wouldn't be able to make it the whole way.  I gave him a refresher course the day before to make sure he was comfortable on the bike.  However when it came time for him to ride on the trail he started to panic.  I don't know what it is with this kid that he panics often.  If I could change something about a personality it would be panic.  I myself don't understand it and I find my patience running thin for those who do panic.  Hopefully he can learn to outgrow this.
After about 15 yards on the trail I threw in the towel or more accurately Peter in the trailer along with his bike.  This made the trip more enjoyable for all of us.  I was a little worried because the kids were not conditioned because of winter but they did great.  We were about a half a mile from the falls when they were ready to take a break for lunch.  A informed them they only had a half a mile left so they pumped themselves up and we made it to the falls.  
The Falls were a little crowded.  It seems everyone had the same idea we did but we were determined to enjoy it.  There was a large glacier like snow pack at the base of the falls and we could see the damage it had done to the area but the fish were swimming and the sun was just right.  The boys had a great time playing around.  When it was time to head back they did awesome.  Of course its mostly downhill but they were happy and I was happy.  
We had a beautiful day and the kids felt accomplished at riding 8 miles that day.  I think that is the longest they have ridden at one time.  Good job boys. 
These sunset pictures were the beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

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