
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter colors

I don't want to sound like I am bragging but, MAN I've got some good lookin'  kids.  Photographing kids is not always easy.  Especially when its right after church and all they want to do is run around and check out their Easter baskets.  When I became a mom I dreamed of how I was going to raise my children, they would be so polite, they would wear the cutest outfits, you know the drill, you've all done it.  Then life happens and it turns out kids have personalities and they just want to wear what THEY want to wear. Sometimes I intervene but most of the time I have bigger battles I need to win.  Easter however is one day where I get to choose what they wear and they can't say anything about it.  Ellie is the new exception.  She is getting pickier and I can't just buy something from the store and bring it home. I have to take her and make her try clothes on, THEN we make a compromise on what to get.  Thankfully my boys just let me do my thing. Although I did have to talk Peter into wearing his bow tie today.  He is usually okay but for some reason today he wasn't having it.  I did the motherly thing and threatened to take away his new minecraft sword if he didn't wear it.  
I can't get over how handsome he is.
This session took a little longer than most (about 20 minutes) and I kept loosing them so I called it a day hoping I had something frame worthy.  Individually I got some decent shots but as a whole. . .  well lets just say you win some you loose some, and sometimes you break even.  I am calling this one a break even, at least they look happy.

In this picture I realize how much William is growing up.

they were so happy to be done

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