
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Greatest Show on Earth

Upon receiving some not so great news our family needed a little pick me up.  What better way to get a smile out of people than taking them to the circus.  I personally have been to the circus a hand full of times but Scott hasn't been to a real circus before.  My children didn't quite know what to expect.  They kept thinking it was like the fair or a carnival, no matter how I tried to explain it.
At first a I was a little disappointed in my children, because some of them started out already bored.  (William and Brennen).  They wanted to play with my phone right away.  I told them absolutely NOT they were going to watch the show and enjoy it.  I will admit our seats were not stellar.  That was all  my fault.  I was being cheap, it costs a pretty penny to take 6 people to the circus.  However after the beginning act things started picking wonderfully.  The boys loved the tigers, they were just sure one was going to attack the trainer.  They couldn't believe he could get them to cooperate. Then they brought out the cannon.  I loved watching my children's jaws drop with eyes fixed on the crazy soul who agreed to get themselves blasted out of it.  When they realized it was a girl they were even more impressed.  
After the intermission the show was fantastic.  They had amazing acrobats.  Those were Scott's favorite.  There were 2 people who were swinging at the top of the rigging using nothing but their feet.  They did complicated turns and twists all while switching their feet in and out of a couple of loops.  Scott was so nervous for them he was holding his breath. 
The best thing about being a mother is seeing all things through their children's eyes.  Everything becomes new and magical again.  I love how their eyes light up with fantastic delight taking in all that they thought was never possible.  Once in a while I get to catch that in Scott.  He didn't get to experience as many things growing up as I did, so I love it when I get to be there to watch him. As I looked over at him I saw IT.  That gleam of wonder.  He was totally smitten by the magic.  What a treat for me.  
One thing that has always been of favorite of mine are what I call the hamster wheel guys.  They run around and  on top of this giant pair of wheels defying death as the inertia lets them free fall.  It looks like so much fun I have always wanted to try it.  I have officially decided to put it on my bucket list.      
Toward the end they bring out the elephants.  I could have not predicted the effect it had on my boys.  They loved it.  They oohed and aaahed for they couldn't believe someone could bring elephants here and inside AND ride on them while doing tricks.  Such fun and excitement. The circus did the trick.  At least for a moment.

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