
Thursday, October 24, 2013


She is here she finally made her debut.  We were worried that she wasn't going to make it.  The kids watched an episode of Wild Kratt's (their favorite show) that said a Monarch butterfly only takes 10 days to emerge from its cocoon.  This little beauty took her sweet time well over a month to meet the world.  When the kids were starting to get worried I researched the issue and it said that in colder climates it can take longer.  I just didn't realize it would take more than twice as long.  That being said I was very grateful we were able to experience it.  There was a reverence radiating from my children as they witnessed this miracle of life.
As I lifted the lid and ever so slowly turned it around, I was reminded of a new colt using its legs for the first time.  This butterfly was just a little bit wobbly getting used to the weight of its wings. It teetered back and forth stretching it dazzling wings getting all the kinks out ready for its first flight.  We gazed in awe at this magnificent creature, noticing the intricate detail that went into creating something as small as a butterfly. For just a moment time stopped as we watched the transformation from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly become complete.
I am so grateful I am able to live in a world where the beautiful simplicity of life is mine to enjoy, and more importantly that I can share it with my children.

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