
Thursday, October 24, 2013


 After Scott and I took another afternoon to look at houses we knew we needed to do something fun for the kids.  We decided to head over to the local corn maze Cornbelly's.  It's at Thanksgiving point and even with all our coupons and talking them into one more discount on top of that, it was still a little pricey but every once in a while you've gotta splurge right?  Let me clarify, for Utah it's a little pricey for California its right on target.
That being said there was tons of stuff to do there.  First on every one's list. . . The pillow air jumper.  basically its like a giant bouncy house without the house.  Peter was so concerned about all the signs on the pillow that he didn't leave much time for jumping.
Peter - "What does this sign mean mom?"
Me- "It means you can't have a bad back to jump on this."
Peter -"Oh, what about that one?"
Me -" That means no shoes."
It went like that for a few minutes and then he wanted me to repeat them.  Why was this kid being so weird just jump buddy its fun.
They had peddle cars/ tractors, spider webs to crawl on, rubber ducky races, pumpkins galore, a hay mountain with lots of slides, pumpkin destruction, paintball, Nerf wars, swings, panning for gold, Haunted hay rides, a haunted house, cornball (a twist on volleyball) a giant corn maze and much much more.
As I was waiting in line to get tickets I realized I have never been to a corn maze before.  I don't know why I have never been but I couldn't recall ever going to one so I was happy to cross one more thing off my bucket list.
This place has a huge corn maze.  I was a little worried that we would get lost and be in there forever and the kids would hate it, but I was pleasantly surprised.  The entire thing only took us 45 minutes, and while we did happen to take a couple of dead end turns we never got lost.  We ran into a few of the same people over and over who were definitely lost.  We finally told them to just follow us.  We didn't even let the kids cheat but we had a plan.  It's been proven that to get through any maze if you keep your right arm against the right wall you will always get out.  It may take you a long time and you may have to double back but you can get out.  We put this theory lightly to test and it worked for us.  (Leave it up to us to go the scientific route right?)
The weather was a beautiful fall day with warm sunshine. I had no idea a corn maze could be so pretty. When the sun went down it got a little chilly but thankfully I reminded the kids to grab their jackets.
We had a fun day with the kids, no one had a meltdown or got lost, no one got hurt and we stayed just long enough to end on a good note.  I think that is one thing I have finally learned.  It can be hard to read kids and decide just how long they can handle things.  Sometimes we think that we paid all this money we need to do everything we possibly can.  It's been my experience that you shouldn't overload anyone (including spouses) just to "get your money's worth".  If you had fun, leave it at that.  Who cares if you didn't do everything, just make sure everyone got to do 1 thing they wanted leaving it a good experience instead of a death march.
On our way home we witnessed an awesomely spooky Hunters moon.  The perfect way to start of the Halloween season.

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