
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Take a drive

It's been tradition that when fall comes around we take a drive.  I have done this since I was little and I just LOVE it.  Autumn really is my favorite time of year.  When I was younger we used to all pile in the back of my dad's truck to take a drive in the mountains. (Back when it wasn't illegal.)  I loved the sights, smells, the sound of the crunching leaves, and the slight breeze that always comes from taking a drive.
 I knew we were going to loose our leaves early this year so I set this day aside to drive the Alpine Loop. It was a perfectly extra-ordinary day.
  I don't think I have ever driven the Loop without my dad.  It was bitter sweet as fond memories came flooding back.
The views were breathtaking.  I wish I had a more time and a better camera to really do it justice.  Around the backside of the mountain is Cascade Springs.  Again this was my first time up here without my dad.  But I was okay, it was something that made me feel closer to him.  He loved coming up here.  So without further adieu I will let the pictures speak the thousand words I am inadequate to supply. I know there are a lot of pictures but sit back, relax and,
Take A Drive With Me.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so beautiful this year as it does every year! So glad you could enjoy it! I miss riding in the back of Dad's truck reaching to touch the leaves and smelling the fresh mountain air. What wonderful memories we have! Love and miss you guys!



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