
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Peter's a big kid now

This post is both sad and exciting all at the same time.  I don't know what it is with learning to ride a 2 wheeler, but in my book that is a huge step to growing up.  I remember perfectly the day each child learned to ride.  My heart was so full of joy and turmoil because now they are officially growing up.  I am so proud of their accomplishments, proud of their independence, their ability to conquer fear, and their amount of  trust.
Peter has been my youngest to learn to ride.  Ellie was 8 almost 9 and I had to force her, (but she did it.) William was 6, Brennen was 5 and my Peter Pie 4.  I taught each of them myself, and what a gift its been to me.
Peter had been borrowing the neighbors balance bike for a couple of days.  As soon as I noticed he had it down I offered to take off the training wheels on his bike.  At first he said no just leave them on and he would just borrow the neighbors bike.  I talked him into "just trying it". He hopped on while I held the back getting that balance just right then adding the peddles.  He had it.  I felt it. I knew he had it but I waited for him to tell me to let go.  He was nervous but he gave me the nod and I let go running beside him.  I shouted, "You've got it Peter, you're doing it!  Woo-hoo!! Go my Peter Pie."
He was grinning from ear to ear. He knew he had it down.  We tried again this time he said, "let go mom, let go!  I know I can do it."
It's at that moment that I realized my last baby is growing up.  However this time I was too happy to be sad.  I get it now.  I know my children will grow up, and that makes me a little melancholy but I also know they will always need their mom.  And in that thought, I felt solace.  
Peter's reaction to his new skill was funny.  I was so proud and excited for him and he acted like, "Of course I can do it, what do you take me for?"  He didn't even bother to celebrate.  I told him we at least had to take him out for ice cream.
So I close this chapter in my life.  But the good thing about the book of life, there is always another chapter.

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