
Monday, October 7, 2013


Scott was fixing himself a snack of Ramen Noodles.  For some reason when ever Scott gets a snack my children instantly want the same thing.
William (who has made this before) got himself a package and put it in a bowl.  He asked Scott how long it goes in the microwave.  Scott says 4 minutes. William puts it in for 4 minutes WITHOUT WATER.
All I know is I came home and as soon as I pulled into the garage I smelled something burning.  I came home to a house that reeked of burnt smell.  I was a little nervous but not terrified because I knew Scott was home.
Ellie grabbed the offending bowl out with tongs and set it outside.  There was a melted hole right through the bottom of the bowl. Now every time I fire up my microwave the house stinks of burnt popcorn.  I have even boiled vinegar in it many times.
What I want to know is how long did it take before Scott noticed something was wrong.  He said the ceiling was covered in a foot of smoke.  I guess we really need to put that smoke detector back up.
I am marking this story in a William category but I am thinking I need to add a "Village Idiot" category.  What do you think?

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