
Monday, February 27, 2012


People keep asking me what the trick it to keep my blog updated.  Like anything else it just has to be something that clicks with you.  This is something I really enjoy.  I tell my husband, blogging does the same thing for me that video games or watching TV do for him.  Its like a release for me.  But for those of you that are struggling here are a few tips.
1.   Try to set aside some time each day or week. When you are sitting watching your spouses fav TV show that's not that great, set your laptop on your lap and type a few things.  This is a 2 for 1 my hubby feels loved that I sit with him and I get stuff done. This is a great Sunday activity for me, also I take my camera everywhere I go.  I just keep it in my purse, sometimes I remember to take it out sometimes not.   Most of us have phones with cameras so use them,  if you think "that is a funny/cute/memorable picture"  take one.
2. The other thing I think gets us all behind is trying to play catch up.  If we neglect some thing and try to catch up we are never going to catch up (unless you are very determined.  But how many of us are really that determined)  Forget about past activities just start with what you did today THEN if you have time LATER add a post or two about the things you did awhile ago.
My grandmother kept a journal.  I HATE!!! to write in a journal  but  I loved reading hers.  It helped me understand why my Dad does certain things and it helped me get to know her.  She died when I was 2 so I have no memory of her.  It has also helped me as a parent.  She had 15 kids,  (no multiple births), but her writings helped me learn from her experiences.
This blog is something I did mostly for my personal records so when I become old and senile I will know what my life was like.  Sometimes I think I will be not so old and senile.  Anyway it has turned out to be one of my kids favorite pastimes, so for now I try to keep it updated.

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