Happy Valentines Day. I was very excited this year for one thing, a Valentines box. When we lived in Cali there was just an envelop provided to insert your valentines. Here in UT the kids actually get to make a box. I remember doing this when I was little and I loved it. I remember one time I made a 3 1/2 ft. 3D stop sign that said "Stop and give me a valentine." You put the valentine in the face of the stop sign and it traveled down the "post" to the base which was a box that also helped hold the stop sign upright. I remember this one so fondly because it was the first one I made all by myself and in my memory it turned out great.
William's class did not get to do their own box but Ellie's did. We brainstormed a little and came up with this.

It is a full size replica of a guitar that says U rock if You Give me a Valentine. I built the structure and Ellie got to decorate it. It brought back some good memories. The down side of being here. . . I had to make 80 Valentines. We made these super hero suckers. On their capes we wrote "You are a Super friend." I was so sick of suckers by the time we were done. Once we did enough for all of Ellie's and Williams people I didn't have the energy to do Brennen's so we just passed out Kool-aid bursts with a heart that said "You are one Kool kid."I was really excited to give Scott his gift and now when I think about it, its doesn't sound very good for a Valentines gift. I got him his concealed weapons permit. Or rather I enrolled and paid for the class for him to get his permit. Now before you laugh you must know, All my brothers have theirs and they go shooting together and have commando camp outs together for their "bonding" time. Plus now that he has his permit we can work on getting him the gun he wants. If only we had unlimited funds.

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